
On the 1st October The Conservative Party conference was held in Manchester. At the same time Sir Vince Cable MP and Stephen Dorrell, European Movement and former Conservative Cabinet Minister, were amongst those who spoke at the crowdfunded Rally & Street Party, hosted by Manchester for Europe in Cathedral Gardens, and supported by Britain for Europe, The European Movement, Scientists for EU, Healthier IN the EU and Open Britain.

Mancunian personality Terry Christian, as MC, glued together a feast of top class entertainment, speakers and artists. Sir Vince Cable MP, Richard Corbett MEP, Mike Galsworthy (Scientists for EU), Jolyon Maugham QC, Julie Ward MEP, Dr Erinma Bell MBE, Stephen Dorrell and Seb Dance MEP were terrific while EU Elvis, the No. 10 Vigil, Madeleina Kay and the one and only Faux BoJo had a packed Cathedral Gardens duly entertained before Badly Drawn Boy and Tom Hingley (Ex Inspiral Carpets) rounded the evening off with two wonderful acoustic live sets.
Big Bubble Man thrilled the kids, while others were face painted to perfection by a team of hard working artists - none more so than the stellar work done creating four live nudes who took to the stage in almost their (EU) birthday suits!
The event was organised as a positive opportunity to emphasise that democracy didn't end on 23 June 2016 and is an ongoing, participative process; to show just how much backing there is in the country for a close relationship between Britain and Europe; and to celebrate the huge benefits of EU membership, which we don’t want to lose.

A selection of the best photos can be found here: photos


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